Our story

The name of our organization is in Swahili (one of the four national languages ​​of the Democratic Republic of Congo): MAMA ODARI. It means COURAGEOUS WOMAN (in French); STRONG WOMEN (in English); MUJER VALIENTE (in Spanish). MAMA ODARI is a non-profit association (ASBL) of women under Congolese law, non-denominational, apolitical, humanitarian and development; created on July 21, 2016, by 9 women, in accordance with the law in force n ° 004/2001 of July 20, 2001 containing general provisions applicable to non-profit associations and public utility establishments. JUST / SG / 20/2603/2020, of the acknowledgment of receipt F.92 / 39.050 is its official registration number with the Ministry of Justice and Keeper of the Seals.

That being said, MAMA ODARI is thus by nature, according to article 2 of the aforementioned law, a national non-governmental organization (NGO) whose headquarters are in the coastal town of Kalemie, capital of the province of Tanganyika.  


MAMA ODARI aspires in particular to: 

1. to a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty is overcome and everyone lives in dignity and security; 

2. a world where the environment is protected and populations are committed and involved in sustainable development activities; 

3. a world where perpetrators of violations of women's human rights are identified and punished, and victims/vulnerable people of armed/intercommunity conflicts benefit from holistic assistance in record time and are socially reintegrated into their respective communities; 

4. to a world where women and girls are active in initiatives and activities that invigorate the culture of entrepreneurship in order to achieve their best economic recovery. 


The main mission of MAMA ODARI is to collectively mobilize women and girls in a specific participatory dynamic of promotion and defense of their fundamental rights, with a view to establishing equitable justice for all, legal, socio-economic and health empowerment, guarantees of equality between women and men and emancipation.


The goal pursued by MAMA ODARI is to arouse within the women and girls for whom it works, the leadership characteristics likely to give them the assets and socio-legal capacities to initiate and undertake a wide range of actions to promote and defend their inalienable rights as recognized by various national, pan-African and international legal instruments.


  • social justice,
  • the love of a job well done,
  • love of neighbor,
  • respect for cultural and identity differences,
  • good governance,
  • respect for “gender”,
  • transparency,
  • equity


- The general meeting

- The Board of Directors

- The audit office

- Coordination


MAMA ODARI mainly operates in the

following areas/sectors:

  • Promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls;
  • Promotion and protection of children's rights;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Law, sexual and reproductive health (SRHR);
  • Peaceful conflict resolution and peacebuilding;
  • Environmental protection (environmental justice);
  • Education and vocational training;
  • Rural economy and women and girls' entrepreneurship (economic recovery).


MAMA ODARI uses several operational strategies during her intervention. But the main and most common ones are:

  • Activities – awareness raising – mobilization of populations (women, girls, men and boys);
  • Rights education;
  • Lobbying (direct and indirect) and advocacy;
  • Support for populations (women in particular) in self-promotion and economic recovery activities;
  • Organization of events promoting cultural dialogues and social cohesion for the purposes of peace and participatory sustainable development;
  • Organization of seminars, workshops, training sessions, forums, exchanges of experience, visits for capacity building of agents and partners;
  • Holding conferences, colloquiums, days of reflection, platforms for popular expression on the promotion of women's rights;
  • The publication and dissemination by all means: written and audiovisual of any study/survey/analysis/research which contributes to the social object of the association;
  • Results-based management of programs/projects/activities and strengthening of operational capacities of members (MAMA ODARI agents and volunteers, local partners, collaborators; etc.), as well as promoting their participation in actions;
  • Holistic care, referral, support and assistance for identified beneficiaries and/or other populations affected by conflicts;
  • High Labor Intensity (in case of construction/rehabilitation works of basic socio-economic infrastructure);

  • Partnership and better coordination focused on objectivity.

  • Field trips; Observations; Research/surveys/analyses, data collection, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.


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